Welcome, Wyandotte enthusiasts, to the official site of the Wyandotte Breeders of America Club! The club’s objective is to promote and preserve the Wyandotte, in bantam and large fowl, as described by the American Poultry Association (APA) Standard of Perfection and the American Bantam Association (ABA) Standard of Perfection. The WBA will serve to bring together fanciers of the Wyandotte, fostering a collaborative community for the improvement of all varieties of bantams and large fowl, both those currently recognized and those, in the future, which aim for acceptance into the APA/ ABA.
The Wyandotte is a beautiful and versatile breed that was named after a Native American tribe prevalent in parts of upstate New York and Ontario, Canada. It is one of the original American breeds developed in the 1800s along with the Dominiques, Plymouth Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. The original Wyandotte was the Silver Laced variety, developed in New York in 1865 and accepted in the APA Standard in 1883. They were first named American Sebrights, but this was changed to Wyandotte when they were admitted into the APA Standard of Perfection. Their origins are uncertain, but the Wyandottes are thought to have been developed from the Dark Brahma and Spangled Hamburgs, as well as other breeds. Since the development of the Silver Laced, many other varieties of Wyandottes have also been created.
Wyandottes have a rose comb that is flat with a small rounded leader. These are smaller in females. The face, wattles, and ear lobes are bright red. The neck hackles of the cock are full and flowing and the tail is carried at a 40-degree angle. Females have a tail angle of 30- degrees. Both males are females should be full and round in body with medium fluff that does not obscure the legs. Wings should be carried high and tight, with the bottom edge parallel to the ground. The tail feathers should be stiff and create an upside down “V” when viewed from behind.
The Wyandotte is a friendly and calm breed that is cold and hardy. They are not great flyers and can be easily contained in 6 foot fencing. The hens are good mothers and egg producers. The eggs are generally light brown and large in size. They are excellent dual-purpose birds and mature fairly quickly. Large fowl are quite big, weighing about 6.5 lbs for the hens and 8.5 lbs for the cock.